Users and quotes¶
What do they say?¶
“… If you can, use pyplusplus over pyste. I say that for ALL users of pyste, pyplusplus is now mature enough to be useful as well as being actively developed. It can also do quite a few tricks pyste cannot. “
Niall Douglas, the author of TnFOX library
“… On a related note, I highly suggest that any users out there that have tried/used Pyste but have found it to be too lacking in power should really give pyplusplus a try. It has allowed me to do everything I ever wanted to do with Pyste and couldn’t and then some. It is really a great tool and I can’t thank Roman enough for taking the time to create it and make it available. “
Allen Bierbaum, the author of PyOpenSG library
“… This rule based approach is amazing for maintenance, as it reduces the turnaround for binding new code. If the new Ogre API’s follow similar rules and standards as previously defined, the same set of rules will appropriately bind the new API without any effort on the part of the maintainers. “
” … In general, I’ve really liked working with pyplusplus. I’ve probably spent 20-30 hours working on these bindings, and they are very close to being equivalent to the PyOgre bindings (when I last used them). “
Lakin Wecker, the author of Python-OGRE project
“… Py++ allows the wrappers to be “automagically” created, which means it’s much easier to keep things up to date (the maintenance on the Py++ based wrapper is tiny compared to any other system I’ve used). It also allows us to wrap other libraries fairly easily. “
Andy Miller, a developer of Python-OGRE project
“… I tried Py++ and it indeed automatically handles the case I outlined above concerning C-array members, and with much less tedious writing of registration code. I also found it convenient to use to insert some other C++ code for each of my structures that normally I wrote by hand. The API docs and examples on your webpage were very helpful. “
David Carpman
“… I started a few months ago to develop a set of Python bindings for OpenCascade modeling/visualization library. After a quick tour to evaluate different solutions, my choice lead me to Py++, which is a very convenient tool : I was able to achieve the first release of my project only two weeks after the project start !”
Paviot Thomas
Who is using Py++?¶
European Space Agency - ReSP project
ReSP is an Open-Source hardware simulation platform targeted for multiprocessor systems. ReSP will provide a framework for composing a system by connecting components chosen from a given repository or developed by the designer. ReSP will provide also also a framework for fault injection campaigns for the analysis of the reliability level of the system.
ReSP engineers are developing the simulator core in Python language for exploiting reflective capabilities (missing in a pure C++ environment) that can be exploited for connecting components in a dynamic way and for enabling non-intrusive fault injection activity. Components will be described in SystemC and TLM libraries that are high level hardware description languages based on C++.
Allen Bierbaum, the author of PyOpenSG project, is using Py++ to create Python bindings for OpenSG
OpenSG - is a portable scene graph system to create realtime graphics programs, e.g. for virtual reality applications.
Matthias Baas, the author of Python Computer Graphics Kit project, is using Py++ to create Python bindings for Maya C++ SDK.
Lakin Wecker, the author of Python-OGRE project, is using Py++ to create Python bindings for OGRE.
OGRE - is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilizing hardware-accelerated 3D graphics.
Andy Miller, another developer of Python-OGRE project, is using Py++ to create Python bindings for:
- CEGUI - a free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs / engines where such functionality is not available, or severely lacking.
- ODE - an open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics.
- OIS - an object oriented input system.
- All in all, Python-OGRE project contains bindings for more than 30 libraries. You can find code generation scripts here:
Rising Sun Pictures company is using Py++ to create Python bindings for Apple Shake API. PyShake enables running of Python code from within Shake and by exposing the Shake API to Python.
Paviot Thomas, the author of pythonOCC project, is using Py++ to create Python bindings for OpenCascade, a 3D modeling & numerical simulation library.
Adrien Saladin, the author of PTools project, is using Py++ to create an opensource molecular docking library.
I am :-). I created Python bindings for the following libraries:
You can download the bindings from .