

Boost.Python allows us to register some function as Python class __init__ method. This could be done using make_constructor functionality.

Not every function could be registered as __init__ method. The function return type should be a pointer or a smart pointer to the new class instance.

Usage example

I am going to use the following code to demonstrate the functionality:

#include <memory>

namespace mc{

struct number_t{

    static std::auto_ptr<number_t> create( int i, int j);

    int x;

std::auto_ptr<number_t> create(int i);

}//namespace mc

The code is pretty simple - it defines two create functions, which construct new class number_t instances.

Py++ configuration is pretty simple:

from pyplusplus import module_builder

mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( ... )
mc = mb.namespace( 'mc ')
number = mc.class_( 'number_t' )
number.add_fake_constructors( mc.calldefs( 'create' ) )

Basically you associate with the class the functions, you want to register as the class __init__ method.

The method add_fake_constructors takes as argument a reference to “create” function or a list of such.

The generated code is pretty boring and the only thing I would like to mention is that the function will not be exposed as a standalone function.

The usage code is even more boring:

from your_module import number_t

number = number_t( 1 )
print number.x
number = number_t( 1, 2 )
print number.x