from_address transformer


“from_address” transformer allows integration with ctypes package. Basically it handles the translation between size_t value, which represents a pointer to some data and the exposed code. Thus you can use ctypes package to create the data and than pass it to the Boost.Python exposed function.

“from_address” transformer takes as first argument name or index of the “data” argument. The argument should have “reference” or “pointer” type.


unsigned long
sum_matrix( unsigned int* matrix, unsigned int rows, unsigned int columns ){
    if( !matrix ){
        throw std::runtime_error( "matrix is null" );
    unsigned long result = 0;
    for( unsigned int r = 0; r < rows; ++r ){
        for( unsigned int c = 0; c < columns; ++c ){
            result += *matrix;
    return result;

In order to expose sum_matrix function we need to create a small wrapper. The following Py++ code does it for you:

from pyplusplus import module_builder
from pyplusplus import function_transformers as FT

mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( ... )
mb.free_function( 'sum_matrix' ).add_transformation( FT.from_address( 0 ) )

What you see below is the relevant pieces of generated code:

static boost::python::object sum_matrix_515b62fca9176ae4fffaf5fb118855dc( unsigned int matrix, unsigned int rows, unsigned int columns ){
    long unsigned int result = ::sum_matrix(reinterpret_cast< unsigned int * >( matrix ), rows, columns);
    return bp::object( result );

    { //::sum_matrix

        typedef boost::python::object ( *sum_matrix_function_type )( unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int );

            , sum_matrix_function_type( &sum_matrix_515b62fca9176ae4fffaf5fb118855dc )
            , ( bp::arg("matrix"), bp::arg("rows"), bp::arg("columns") )
            , "documentation" );

And now the Python usage example:

import ctypes
import mymodule

rows = 10
columns = 7
matrix_type = ctypes.c_uint * columns * rows
sum = 0
counter = 0
matrix = matrix_type()
for r in range( rows ):
   for c in range( columns ):
        matrix[r][c] = counter
        sum += counter
        counter += 1
result = module.sum_matrix( ctypes.addressof( matrix ), rows, columns )