inout_static_array transformer


inout_static_array transformer is a combination of input and output transformers. It allows one to call a C++ function, which takes an array using Python list class

“inout_static_array” transformer takes as first argument name or index of the original function argument. The argument should have “array” or “pointer” type. The second argument specifies the array size.


int sum_and_fill( int v[3], int value ){
    int result = v[0] + v[1] + v[2];
    v[0] = value;
    v[1] = value;
    v[2] = value;
    return result;

In order to expose sum_and_fill function we need to create a small wrapper. The following Py++ code does it for you:

from pyplusplus import module_builder
from pyplusplus import function_transformers as FT

mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( ... )
sum_and_fill = mb.free_fun( 'sum_and_fill' )
sum_and_fill.add_transformation( ft.inout_static_array('v', 3) )

What you see below is the relevant pieces of generated code:

static boost::python::tuple sum_and_fill_2dd285a3344dbf7d71ffb7c78dd614c5( boost::python::object v, int value ){
    int native_v[3];
    boost::python::list py_v;
    pyplus_conv::ensure_uniform_sequence< int >( v, 3 );
    pyplus_conv::copy_sequence( v, pyplus_conv::array_inserter( native_v, 3 ) );
    int result = ::sum_and_fill(native_v, value);
    pyplus_conv::copy_container( native_v, native_v + 3, pyplus_conv::list_inserter( py_v ) );
    return bp::make_tuple( result, py_v );

    { //::ft::sum_and_fill

        typedef boost::python::tuple ( *sum_and_fill_function_type )( boost::python::object,int );

                 , sum_and_fill_function_type( &sum_and_fill_2dd285a3344dbf7d71ffb7c78dd614c5 )
                 , ( bp::arg("v"), bp::arg("value") ) );