transfer_ownership transformer


“transfer_ownership” transformer changes type of the function argument, from T* to std::auto_ptr<T>. This transformer was born to provide the answer to How can I wrap a function which needs to take ownership of a raw pointer? FAQ.

“transfer_ownership” transformer takes one argument, name or index of the original function argument. The argument type should be “pointer”.

New in version greater than 0.8.5.


struct resource_t{...};

void do_smth(resource_t* r){

Lets say that you need to expose “do_smth” function. According to the FAQ, you have to create small wrapper, which will take std::auto_ptr as an argument. The following Py++ code does it for you:

from pygccxml import declarations
from pyplusplus import module_builder
from pyplusplus import function_transformers as FT

mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( ... )

resource = mb.class_( 'resource_t' )
resource.held_type = 'std::auto_ptr< %s >' % resource.decl_string
do_smth = mb.free_fun( 'do_smth' )
do_smth.add_transformation( FT.transfer_ownership( 0 ) )

What you see below is the relevant pieces of generated code:

namespace bp = boost::python;

static void do_smth_4cf7cde5fca92efcdb8519f8c1a4bccd( std::auto_ptr< ::resource_t > r ){

    bp::def( "do_smth", &do_smth_4cf7cde5fca92efcdb8519f8c1a4bccd, ( bp::arg("r") ) );