Indexing Suite V2

Boost.Python - C++ Container Support

C++ Boost

C++ Container Support


Design goals
Container-specific headers
Using policies
Visitor flag values
Extending and customizing
Container adapters
Compiler workarounds
Known limitations
Acknowledgements and Copyright


The purpose of the container indexing suite is to allow Python code to access C++ containers using regular Python interfaces. Since each C++ container is different, it is non-trivial to decide what Python methods can be emulated, and how to map them to C++ function calls. The indexing suite provides a framework for representing those decisions, as well as bindings for the standard C++ container templates. The indexing headers are in the Boost subdirectory boost/python/suite/indexing and non-template implementations are in libs/python/src/indexing. Various tests, which can also serve as examples are in libs/python/test.

Design goals

The primary design goals of the container indexing suite are as follows. The suite should:
  • Support instances of all useful standard container templates
  • Provide as much of the normal Python interface as is reasonable for each container
  • Be extensible to user-defined container types
  • Support client-provided CallPolicies
Secondary design goals are as follows. The library should:
  • Provide an emulation of Python reference semantics for values in vector-like containers.
  • Provide an emulation of container semantics for iterator ranges.


The main iterface to the library is via the templated class container_suite, an object of which adds a number of Python functions to an extension class via a single def call. Support is provided for all of the standard container templates [1] via container-specific header files, as shown in the following example:

#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/container_suite.hpp>
#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/python/class.hpp>
#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
#include <vector>

  class_< std::vector<int> > ("vector_int")
    .def (indexing::container_suite< std::vector<int> >());

The container_suite object achieves this using the def_visitor interface, which provides a hook for the def function to install multiple Python methods in one call. If the container element type (int in the example above) is a user-defined type, you would have to expose this type to Python via a separate class_ instance.

[1] Automatic operation with the standard containers works properly if your compiler supports partial template specializations. Otherwise, refer to the compiler workarounds section.


The container_suite.hpp header is summarized below:

#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/algo_selector.hpp>
#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/visitor.hpp>

#include <boost/python/return_by_value.hpp>
#include <boost/python/return_value_policy.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
  typedef return_value_policy<return_by_value> default_container_policies;

  template<class Container,
           int Flags = 0,
           class Algorithms = algo_selector<Container> >
  struct container_suite
    : public visitor<Algorithms, default_container_policies, Flags>
    typedef Algorithms algorithms;

    template<typename Policy>
    static visitor<Algorithms, Policy, Flags>
    with_policies (Policy const &policy)
      return visitor <Algorithms, Policy> (policy);
} } }

Some important points to note about container_suite:

  1. It does not include any of the container-specific headers (like vector.hpp or set.hpp), so these must be included separately to add support each type of container.
  2. It derives from the indexing::visitor template, using a return_by_value return policy. This is a reasonable default, and follows the Boost.Python idiom of passing a default-constructed object to the def function.
  3. The with_policies static function template generates different instances of the indexing::visitor template, with client-provided policies.
  4. The template parameter Flags allows client code to disable unneeded features in order to reduce code size. Details are provided below.

Container-specific headers

The container indexing suite includes support for many of the standard C++ container templates, but note that the support code for each is in a separate header file. These header files (in the boost/python/suite/indexing subdirectory) are: vector.hpp, deque.hpp, list.hpp, set.hpp and map.hpp. These correspond in the obvious way to the standard headers vector, deque, etc. The header files for the container_proxy and iterator_range templates provide their own support implicitly.

Using policies

You can select call policies using the container_suite static member function with_policies as in the following example:
  class_< std::list<heavy_class> > ("list_heavy_class")
    .def (indexing::container_suite< std::list<heavy_class> >
          ::with_policies (my_policies));

Caution with policies

It can be tempting to use return_internal_reference if the container elements are expensive to copy. However, this can be quite dangerous, since references to the elements can easily become invalid (e.g. if the element is deleted or moved). The Boost.Python code for return_internal_reference can only manage the lifetime of the entire container object, and not those of the elements actually being referenced. Various alternatives exist, the best of which is to store the container elements indirectly, using boost::shared_ptr or an equivalent. If this is not possible, container_proxy may provide a solution, at least for vector-like containers.

Internal policies detail

The container_suite object typically adds more than one function to the Python class, and not all of those functions can, or should, use exactly the same policies. For instance, the Python len method, if provided, should always return its result by value. The library actually uses up to three different sets of policies derived from the one provided to the with_policies function. These are:

  1. The supplied policies, unchanged
  2. The supplied precall policy only, using default_call_policies for result conversion.
  3. The supplied precall policies, and the supplied result conversion policies applied to each element of a returned list.
Roughly speaking, methods returning a single container element use the first option, while methods returning an integer value (or void) use the second option. The third option applies only to the slice version of __getitem__, which generates a Python list by applying the return conversion policies to each element in the list.

Visitor Flag values

The container_suite template has an optional Flags parameter that allows client code to disable various optional features of the suite. This can lead to significant savings in the size of object files and executables if features such as sorting or Python slice support are not needed. The Flags parameter (an integer) can be any bitwise combination of the following values (defined in the boost::python::indexing namespace by visitor.hpp):

Flag Effect
disable_len omits the Python __len__ method
disable_slices omits slice support code from __getitem__, __setitem__ and __delitem__.
disable_search omits the container search methods count, index and __contains__
disable_reorder omits the container reordering operations sort and reverse
disable_extend omits the extend method
disable_insert omits the insert method

Note that some containers don't support some of the optional features at all, in which case the relevant flags are ignored. The value minimum_support may be passed as a flag value to disable all optional features. A simple example is provided in test_vector_disable.cpp

Extending and customizing

The container_suite template relies on seven main support templates, five of which are suitable for specialization or replacement by client code. The following diagram shows the templates [2] and their dependencies, with the replaceable ones highlighted in grey. For full details, refer to the specific section on each component – what follows here is an overview.

Dependencies between main templates
Diagram 1. Overview of class dependencies

The visitor template, which implements the def_visitor interface, decides what Python methods to provide for a container. It takes two template parameters, Algorithms and Policy (the CallPolicies for the Python methods on the container). The Algorithms argument must provide implementations for the Python methods that the container supports, as well as a matching ContainerTraits type. This type provides various compile-time constants that visitor uses to decide what Python features the container provides. It also provides a value_traits typedef, which has similar compile-time constants related to the values stored in the container. If the visitor instance decides to provide Python slice support for the container, it instantiates the slice_handler template, which also takes Algorithms and Policy parameters. In such cases, the Algorithms argument must supply a SliceHelper type and factory function.

The high-level container_suite template uses the algo_selector template to determine what types to use in the instantiation of visitor. The algo_selector template has partial specializations for all of the STL container templates.

[2] Note that Algorithms and ContainerTraits don't represent individual templates in the diagram, but groups of related templates. For instance, there are actually templates called list_algorithms and assoc_algorithms, among others.


A ValueTraits class provides simple information about the type of value stored within a container that will be exposed to Python via the container_suite interface. It controls the provision of some operations that are dependant on the operations supported by container elements (for instance, find requires a comparison operator for the elements). A ValueTraits class also provides a hook called during initialization of the Python class, which can be used for custom processing at this point.

The following table lists the static constants required in a ValueTraits class:

Static constant Type Meaning
equality_comparable bool Whether the value supports comparison via operator==.
lessthan_comparable bool Whether the value supports comparison via operator<.

A ValueTraits class should provide the following member function template, which will be called during execution of the def call for the container suite:

template <typename PythonClass, typename Policy>
static void visitor_helper (PythonClass &, Policy const &);

Usage notes for ValueTraits

In order to include a custom ValueTraits class into the container suite, it is easiest to supply it as a specialization of the template indexing::value_traits for the container's element type. The existing ContainerTraits classes all make use of value_traits<container::value_type>, and so will use a specialization for the value type if available. The default, unspecialized, version of value_traits sets both of the static constants to true and has an empty implementation of visitor_helper.

As an example, if a user defined type does not have any comparison operations, then there will probably be compile-time errors caused by an attempt to provide the Python find or sort methods. The solution is to write a specialized version of indexing::value_traits that disables the appropriate features. For example:

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
  struct value_traits<my_type> : public value_traits<int>
    static bool const equality_comparable = false;
    static bool const lessthan_comparable = false;
} } }

In this example, there is no need to perform any processing in the visitor_helper function, and deriving from an unspecialized version of the template (e.g. value_traits<int>) exposes an empty visitor_helper.

Synopsis: boost/python/suite/indexing/value_traits.hpp

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
  template<typename T>
  struct value_traits {
    static bool const equality_comparable = true;
    static bool const lessthan_comparable = true;

    template<typename PythonClass, typename Policy>
    static void visitor_helper (PythonClass &, Policy const &)
    { }
} } }


A ContainerTraits class serves three purposes. Firstly, it identifies what facilities the container supports in principle (i.e. either directly or via some support code). Secondly, it identifies the types used to pass values into and out of the supported operations. Thirdly, it provides a hook for additional code to run during initialization of the Python class (i.e. during the def call for the suite).

Note that a ContainerTraits class can be any class, derived from the existing implementations or not, as long as it meets the requirements listed in the following sections.

Static constants for ContainerTraits

The following table lists the static constants that a ContainerTraits class should define. Note that these must be compile-time constants, since parts of the library use these constants to select between template specializations. The constants must at least be convertible to the type shown in the second column.

Static constant Type Meaning Influence
has_copyable_iter bool Whether copies of an iterator are independant [3] Required for len and __iter__
is_reorderable bool Whether it is possible to re-order the contents of the container. Required for reverse and sort
has_mutable_ref bool Whether container elements can be altered via a reference Determines is_reorderable for most containers.
has_find bool Whether find is possible in principle (via member function or otherwise) __contains__, index, count, has_key
has_insert bool Whether it is possible to insert new elements into the container. insert, extend, slice version of __setitem__
has_erase bool Whether it is possible to erase elements from the container. __delitem__, slice version of __setitem__
has_push_back bool Whether container supports insertion at the end. append
has_pop_back bool Whether container supports element deletion at the end. Currently unused
index_style index_style_t Type of indexing the container supports [4] __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__, __iter__, extend, index, count, has_key


[3] For example, copies of stream iterators are not independant. All iterator copies refer to the same stream, which has only one read and one write position.
[4] index_style_none, no indexing at all (e.g. list)
index_style_linear, continuous integer-like index type (e.g. vector)
index_style_nonlinear, indexing via other types (e.g. map).

Member types for ContainerTraits

The following table lists the type names that must be defined in a compatible implementation of ContainerTraits. The large number of types is supposed to provide flexibility for containers with differing interfaces. For example, map uses the same type for searching and "indexing" (i.e. find and operator[]) so key_type and index_type would have to be the same. In contrast, searching a vector would typically use a different type to that used for indexing into a vector.

Type name Meaning
container The type of the C++ container.
size_type The type used to represent the number of elements in the container.
iterator The container's iterator type. This should be a non-const iterator unless the container itself is const.
index_type The type used to represent indexes extracted from a __getitem__ call (and others). For index_style_linear, this should be a signed type, so that negative indices can be processed. For index_style_nonlinear, this will most likely be the same type as key_type.
index_param The type to use when passing index_type into a function.
value_type The type to use when copying a value into or out of the container.
value_param The type to use when passing value_type into a function.
key_type The type used for search operations like find and count.
key_param The type to use when passing key_type into a function.
reference The type to use when returning a reference to a container element.
value_traits_ Traits for the container elements. See the ValueTraits section for information about the requirements on this type.

Member functions for ContainerTraits

In order to support additional initialization code to run, a ContainerTraits class should provide a static member function template as follows:

template <typename PythonClass, typename Policy>
static void visitor_helper (PythonClass &, Policy const &);

Typically, the implementation would just forward the call to the equivalent function in the value_traits_ class.

Usage notes for ContainerTraits

It may be possible to mix your own ContainerTraits class with one of the existing Algorithms implementations, thus saving yourself a fair bit of work. The easiest way to do this would be to specialize the algo_selector template for your container type, using public deriviation to get the implementation from one of the existing Algorithms templates. For example, assuming that default_algorithms is suitable for your container:

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
  struct algo_selector<my_container>
    : public default_algorithms<my_container_traits>
} } }

Alternatively, you could select the algorithms and traits using the visitor template directly, as described in the compiler workarounds section.

Simplistic ContainerTraits example

The following block of code shows a simplistic implementation of ContainerTraits for the container std::map<std::string, int>. The actual implementation used by the suite relies on template metaprogramming techniques, whereas this example is designed to show only the essential elements of a ContainerTraits implementation.

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/suite_utils.hpp>
// Include suite_utils to get index_style_t

struct simple_map_traits {
  // Traits information for std::map<std::string, int>

  typedef std::map<std::string, int> container;
  typedef container::size_type       size_type;
  typedef container::iterator        iterator;

  typedef int                        value_type;
  typedef int &                      reference;
  typedef std::string                key_type;
  typedef std::string                index_type;

  typedef int                        value_param;
  typedef std::string const &        key_param;
  typedef std::string const &        index_param;

  static bool const has_copyable_iter = true;
  static bool const has_mutable_ref   = true;
  static bool const has_find          = true;
  static bool const has_insert        = true;
  static bool const has_erase         = true;
  static bool const has_pop_back      = false;
  static bool const has_push_back     = false;
  static bool const is_reorderable    = false;

  static boost::python::indexing::index_style_t const index_style
    = boost::python::indexing::index_style_nonlinear;

  struct value_traits_ {
    // Traits information for our value_type
    static bool const equality_comparable = true;
    static bool const lessthan_comparable = true;

  template<typename PythonClass, typename Policy>
  static void visitor_helper (PythonClass &, Policy const &)
    // Empty

Example usage of the simple_map_traits:

#include "simple_map_traits.hpp"

#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/container_suite.hpp>

#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
#include <boost/python/class.hpp>

BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(test_simple) {
  using namespace boost::python;

  typedef std::map<std::string, int> container_t;
  typedef indexing::map_algorithms<simple_map_traits> algorithms_t;

  class_<container_t> ("map")
    .def (indexing::container_suite<container_t, algorithms_t>());


The Algorithms requirements are designed to provide a predictable interface to any container, so that the same visitor code can expose any supported container to Python. An implemention of Algorithms does this by providing functions and typedefs with fixed names. The exact interfaces to the functions can vary to some extent, since the def function calls used internally by the visitor deduce the function type automatically. However, certain points should be confomed to:

  1. The functions should be static, with container & as first parameter.
  2. The functions should not be overloaded – this avoids problems with type deduction.
  3. Generally, not all of the possible functions need to be implemented, dependant on the static constants in the ContainerTraits.

The block of code below shows the definition of the default_algorithms class template, which is the basis for all current implementations of Algorithms. The typedefs that it defines are primarily for convenience within the implementation itself, however container, reference and slice_helper are also required by the slice_handler template, if slices are supported. Note that default_algorithms derives all of the type information from its ContainerTraits template argument, which allows the same implementation to be used for various container types.

Partial boost/python/suite/indexing/algorithms.hpp

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr = detail::no_override>
  class default_algorithms
    typedef default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr> self_type;

    typedef ContainerTraits container_traits;

    typedef typename ContainerTraits::container   container;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::iterator    iterator;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::reference   reference;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::size_type   size_type;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::value_type  value_type;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::value_param value_param;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::index_param index_param;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::key_param   key_param;

    typedef int_slice_helper<self_type, integer_slice> slice_helper;

    static size_type size       (container &);
    static iterator  find       (container &, key_param);
    static size_type get_index  (container &, key_param);
    static size_type count      (container &, key_param);
    static bool      contains   (container &, key_param);
    static void      reverse    (container &);
    static reference get        (container &, index_param);
    static void      assign     (container &, index_param, value_param);
    static void      insert     (container &, index_param, value_param);
    static void      erase_one  (container &, index_param);
    static void      erase_range(container &, index_param, index_param);
    static void      push_back  (container &, value_param);
    static void      sort       (container &);

    static slice_helper make_slice_helper (container &c, slice const &);

    template<typename PythonClass, typename Policy>
    static void visitor_helper (PythonClass &, Policy const &);
} } }

Slice support

For containers that support Python slices, the visitor template will instantiate and use internally the slice_handler template. This template requires a type called slice_helper and a factory function called make_slice_helper from its Algorithms argument. More details are provided in the section SliceHelper.

Usage notes for Algorithms

The existing indexing::algo_selector template uses partial specializations and public derivation to select an Algorithms implementation suitable for any of the standard container types. Exactly how it does this should be considered an implementation detail, and uses some tricks to reuse various existing Algorithms implementations. In any case, client code can specialize the algo_selector template for new container types, as long as the specialized instances conform to the requirements for Algorithms as already given.

A new implementation of Algorithms could derive from any one of the existing implementation templates, or be completely independant. The existing implementation templates are listed in the following table. They each take one template parameter, which should be a valid ContainerTraits class, as specified in a previous section.

Template name Description
default_algorithms Uses standard iterator-based algorithms wherever possible. Assumes that the container provides begin and end end member functions that return iterators, and some or all of size, insert, erase and push_back, depending on what functions get instantiated.
list_algorithms Similar to the above (in fact, it derives from default_algorithms) except that it uses container member functions reverse and sort instead of the iterator-based versions. Defined in boost/python/suite/indexing/list.hpp.
assoc_algorithms Also derived from default_algorithms, for use with associative containers. Uses the container member function find for indexing, and member function count instead of iterator-based implementations.
set_algorithms Derived from assoc_algorithms to handle set insertion operations, which are slightly different to the map versions.
map_algorithms Derived from assoc_algorithms to handle map insertion and lookup, which are slightly different to the set versions.

The default_algorithms template attempts to place as few restrictions as possible on the container type, by using iterators and standard algorithms in most of its functions. It accepts an optional second template parameter, which can be used via the curiously recurring template idiom to replace any of its functions that it relies on internally. For instance, if you've created an iterator-style interface to a container that is not at all STL-like (let's call it weird_container), you might be able to re-use most of default_algorithms by replacing its basic functions like this:

namespace indexing = boost::python::indexing;

struct my_algorithms
  : public indexing::default_algorithms <
      weird_container_traits, my_algorithms
  size_t size (weird_container const &c) {
    return ...;

  my_iterator_t begin (weird_container &c) {
    return ...;

  my_iterator_t end (weird_container &c) {
    return ...;


Support code for Python slices is split into two portions, the slice_handler template, and a "slice helper" that can easily be replaced by client code via a typedef and factory function in the Algorithms argument supplied to container_suite. The slice helper object takes care of reading and writing elements from a slice in a C++ container, and optionally insertion and deletion. Effectively, the slice helper object maintains a pointer to the current element of the slice within the container, and provides a next function to advance to the next element of the slice. The container suite uses the following interface for slices:

Expression Return type Notes
Algorithms:: make_slice_helper (c, s) Algorithms:: slice_helper c is of type Algorithms:: container & and s is of type indexing:: slice const &. Returns a newly constructed slice_helper object by value. bool Advances the slice helper's current element pointer to the next element of the slice. Returns true if such an element exists, and false otherwise. The first time this function is called, it should set the current pointer to the first element of the slice (if any).
slice_helper. current() Algorithms:: reference Returns a reference to the current element of the slice. This will only be called if the last call to next() returned true.
slice_helper.write (v) void The parameter v is of type Algorthims::value_param. Advances to the next element of the slice, as defined in next, and writes the given value v at the new location in the container.If the slice is exhausted (i.e. next would return false) then write either inserts the value into the container at the next location (past the end of the slice), or sets a Python exception and throws.
slice_helper. erase_remaining() void Either erases any remaining elements in the slice not already consumed by calls to next or write, or sets a Python exception and throws.

The container suite provides a generic implementation of the SliceHelper requirements for containers that have integer-like indexes. It is parameterized with a SliceType parameter that allows the integer index values to come from various different sources, the default being the PySlice_GetIndices function. Refer to the header file int_slice_helper.hpp and the references to it in the algorithms.hpp header for details.


The container_proxy template provides an emulation of Python reference semantics for objects held by value in a vector-like container. Of course, this introduces some performance penalties in terms of memory usage and run time, so the primary application of this template is in situations where all of the following apply:

  1. It is not practical to switch to a container of shared pointers
  2. Python code requires reference semantics for the objects within the container
  3. Element insertion, deletion or assignment takes place, so that using return_internal_reference would be dangerous.

The container_proxy template wraps any vector-like container and presents an interface that is similar to that of std::vector, but which returns element_proxy objects instead of plain references to values stored in the wrapped container. During an operation that alters the position of an element within the container (e.g. insert) the container_proxy code updates the relevant proxy objects, so that they still refer to the same elements at their new locations. Any operation that would delete or overwrite a value in the container (e.g. erase) copies the to-be-deleted value into its corresponding proxy object. This means that a proxy's "reference" to an element is robust in the face of changes to the element's position in the container, and even the element's removal.

Ideally, any code that changes the positions of elements within the container would use only the container_proxy interface, to ensure that the proxies are maintained in synchronization. Code that otherwise makes direct modifications to the raw container must notify the container_proxy of the changes, as detailed in the following section.

container_proxy interface

The container_proxy template takes three parameters, only the first of which is mandatory:

template<class Container
       , class Holder = identity<Container>
       , class Generator = vector_generator> class container_proxy;

The Container argument is the raw container type that the container_proxy will manage. It must provide random-access indexing.

The Holder argument determines how the container_proxy stores the raw container object. There are currently two types of holder implemented, the default identity template which will store the raw container by value within the container_proxy, and the deref template which stores a (plain) pointer to an external object. It would also be possible, for instance, to create a holder that uses a shared_pointer, or one that stores a pointer but performs deep copies.

The Generator argument determines what container to use for storing the proxy objects. The argument must be a suitable class so that Generator::apply<proxy_t>::type is a typedef for the container to use for storing the proxies. The default is vector_generator, which generates std::vector instances. The usefulness of allowing other generators can be seen from the example container_proxy<std::deque<...> >. Insertion at the beginning of this container_proxy requires an insertion at the beginning of the std::deque raw container, which has amortized constant time complexity. However, it also requires an insertion at the beginning of the proxy container, which (using the std::vector provided by vector_generator) has linear time complexity. If this is a significant issue, you can use a custom Generator to match the performance characteristics of the proxy container to those of the raw container.

Examples in libs/python/test/test_container_proxy.cpp ...

Synopsis: boost/python/suite/indexing/container_proxy.hpp

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
  template<class Container
         , class Holder = identity<Container>
         , class Generator = vector_generator>
  class container_proxy
    typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
    typedef typename Container::difference_type difference_type;
    typedef typename Container::value_type raw_value_type;

    typedef typename Holder::held_type held_type;

    typedef implementation defined value_type;
    typedef implementation defined const_value_type;
    typedef implementation defined iterator;
    typedef implementation defined const_iterator;

    typedef value_type        reference;       // Has reference semantics
    typedef const_value_type  const_reference; // Has reference semantics

    container_proxy ();
    explicit container_proxy (held_type const &);
    template<typename Iter> container_proxy (Iter, Iter);

    container_proxy (container_proxy const &);
    container_proxy &operator= (container_proxy const &);
    ~container_proxy ();

    Container const &raw_container() const;   // OK to expose const reference

    reference       at (size_type);
    const_reference at (size_type) const;

    reference       operator[] (size_type);
    const_reference operator[] (size_type) const;

    size_type size() const;
    size_type capacity() const;
    void reserve(size_type);

    iterator begin();
    iterator end();

    iterator erase (iterator);
    iterator erase (iterator, iterator);
    iterator insert (iterator, raw_value_type const &);
    template<typename Iter> void insert (iterator, Iter, Iter);

    void push_back (raw_value_type const &);
    value_type pop_back ();

    // These functions are not normally necessary. They notify the
    // container_proxy of changes to the raw container made by other
    // code (see documentation for details)
    void detach_proxy (size_type index);
    void detach_proxies (size_type from, size_type to);
    void prepare_erase (size_type from, size_type to);
    void notify_insertion (size_type from, size_type to);
} } }

The identity template.

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
  template<typename T> struct identity {
    typedef T held_type;

    static T &       get(T &       obj) { return obj; }
    static T const & get(T const & obj) { return obj; }

    static T    create ()                     { return T(); }
    static T    copy   (T const &copy)        { return copy; }
    static void assign (T &to, T const &from) { to = from; }
    static void pre_destruction (T &)         { }
} } }

The deref template.

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
  template<typename P> struct deref {
    typedef P held_type;

    typedef typename boost::iterator_value<P>::type     value;

    static value &       get (P &       ptr)  { return *ptr; }
    static value const & get (P const & ptr)  { return *ptr; }

    static P    create ()                     { return P(); }
    static P    copy   (P const &copy)        { return copy; }
    static void assign (P &to, P const &from) { to = from; }
    static void pre_destruction (P &)         { }
} } }

The vector_generator class.

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
  struct vector_generator {
    template<typename Element> struct apply {
      typedef std::vector<Element> type;
} } }

container_proxy implementation notes

An element_proxy refers to an element of the container via two levels of indirection – it holds a pointer to a so-called shared_proxy object, which has a pointer back to the container_proxy object and an element index within the wrapped container. This can be seen in the following diagram, which shows a container_proxy< vector<int> > containing the three elements 111, 222 and 333.

Interrelations between container_proxy, its container
          and an element proxy
Diagram 2. Example of container_proxy with an element proxy

In the example above, the shown element_proxy object refers (indirectly) to the container element with the value 222. An insertion before this element would increment the index numbers in the shared_proxy objects so that the given element_proxy continues to refer to the same value at its new location. Similary, a deletion before the element would decrement the affected shared_proxy indexes. If the referenced element itself gets deleted or overwritten, the shared_proxy first takes a copy of the original value, and is then considered to be detached from the container_proxy. This situation is shown below in diagram 3.

Element proxy when detached from its container
Diagram 3. Example of element_proxy with detached shared_proxy


The iterator_range template provides a container-like interface to a range defined by two iterators. The interface is complete enough to provide any Python method that does not require insertion or deletion, e.g. len, index and sort. See the get_array_plain function in libs/python/test/test_array_ext.cpp for an example usage. If you only need iteration over the values in a range, consider using the simpler range function provided by boost/python/iterator.hpp

Beware that C++ iterators are not very Python-like, since they do not provide any guarantees about the lifetimes of the objects they refer to. Invalidating either of the iterators stored in an iterator_range object is dangerous, since subsequently using the iterators (from Python or C++) results in undefined behaviour.

iterator_range should work with any ForwardIterator type.

Synopsis: boost/python/suite/indexing/iterator_range.hpp

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
  template<typename Iterator>
  class iterator_range
    typedef typename boost::call_traits<Iterator>::param_type iterator_param;
    typedef std::iterator_traits<Iterator> std_traits;

    typedef typename std_traits::reference       reference;
    typedef Iterator                             iterator;
    typedef typename std_traits::difference_type size_type;
    typedef typename std_traits::difference_type difference_type;
    typedef typename std_traits::value_type      value_type;
    typedef typename std_traits::pointer         pointer;

    iterator_range (iterator_param, iterator_param);
    iterator_range (std::pair<iterator, iterator> const &);

    iterator begin() const;
    iterator end() const;

    size_type size () const;
    reference operator[] (size_type) const;
    reference at (size_type) const;

    // Member variables

  template<typename T, std::size_t N> T *begin (T (&array)[N]);
  template<typename T, std::size_t N> T *end   (T (&array)[N]);

} } }

Compiler workarounds

It is possible to use the suite without partial template specialization support, but the algo_selector specializations for the standard containers does not work. To avoid this problem, the client code must explicitly select the Algorithms and ContainerTraits instances to be used, and there are some additional support templates in the container-specific header files for this purpose.

#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/vector.hpp>


  using namespace boost::python;
  using namespace boost::python::indexing;

  class_<std::vector<int> > ("vector_int")
    .def (indexing::vector_suite <vector <int> >());

Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 has a version of the standard deque header that is incompatible with the container_proxy template, since it lacks a correct template version of the insert member function. An updated copy of the deque header that fixes this problem (among others) is available directly from Dinkumware (at time of writing, 2003/11/04).

Known limitations

This section lists known limitations of the container interfaces. These may or may not get fixed in the future, so check the latest release of Boost and/or the Boost CVS repository. Feel free to submit your own improvements to the mailing list for the Python C++-SIG.

The following Python sequence and mapping functions are not currently implemented for any containers: keys, values, items, clear, copy, update, pop, __add__, __radd__, __iadd__, __mul__, __rmul__ and __imul__. Most of the methods mentioned (except for pop) present no particular difficulty to implement. The problem with pop is that it is incompatible with some return value policies (for instance, return_internal_reference) since it must return a copy of an element that has already been removed from the container. This probably requires an extension to the container_suite interface, to allow the client code the option of specifying a different return policy for this method in particular.

The suite currently restricts itself to the normal Python container interface methods, which do not expose all of the interfaces available with the C++ containers. For example, vector reserve has no equivalent in Python and is not exposed by the suite. Of course, user code can still add a def call for this manually.

The map iterator should return only the key part of the values, but currently returns the whole std::pair.

The sort method (where provided) should allow an optional comparison function from Python.


The Python Library Reference section on Sequence Types and the Python Reference Manual section on Emulating container types. The C++ Standard.

Acknowledgements and Copyright

Thanks to Joel de Guzman and David Abrahams for input and encouragement during the development of the container suite, and to and Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve for his invaluable support in porting to various platforms. Joel wrote the original implementation of the indexing support, which provided many of the ideas embodied in the new implementation.

The container suite code and documentation are Copyright (c) 2003 by Raoul Gough, and licensed according to the Boost license.