

Boost.Python allows users to specify class properties. You can read about this functionality in the tutorials or in the reference manual. Since version 0.8.2 Py++ provides a convenient API to specify class properties.

Usage example

struct number{
    float value() const;
    void  set_value( float );
    float m_value;
mb = module_builder_t( ... )
number = mb.class_( 'number' )
number.add_property( 'ro_value', number.member_function( 'value' ) )
number.add_property( 'value'
                     , number.member_function( 'value' )
                     , number.member_function( 'set_value' ) )

This is rather the hard way to add properties to the class. Py++ comes with built-in algorithm, which automatically recognizes properties and adds them to the class:

mb = module_builder_t( ... )
number = mb.class_( 'number' )
number.add_properties( exclude_accessors=False ) #accessors will be exposed

Small advise to you: try add_properties algorithm first, it should work. If it doesn’t than:

  • Please, bring your use case to the developers of Py++, so we could improve it
  • Switch to the add_property method for a while

Call policies

Consider the following use case:

struct nested{ ... };
struct data{
    const nested& get_nested() const
    { return m_nested; }
    nested m_nested;

In order to expose get_nested member function you have to specify its call policies. Same precondition holds for exposing member function as property:

mb = module_builder_t( ... )
get_nested = mb.member_function( 'get_nested' )
get_nested.call_policies = call_policies.return_internal_reference()
mb.class_( 'data' ).add_properties()

Py++ will take the call policies information from the relevant accessor.

Property recognition algorithm


In general the algorithm is very simple. Py++ understands few coding conventions. It is aware of few widely used get\set prefixes. It scans the class and its base classes for accessors and after this it tries to match between “get” and “set” accessors. If there is “set” accessors, but there is no “get” accessor, property will not be constructed. At least one accessor should belong to the class. In new property will override an existing exposed declarations property will not be created and warning will be written.

Find accessors

This part of the algorithm is responsible for finding all functions, which meet get\set accessors criteria.

“get” accessor criteria

  1. It does not have arguments.
  2. It has return other than void.
  3. It does not modify the instance - has const attribute.
  4. It does not have an overload.

“set” accessor criteria

  1. It has only 1 argument.
  2. Its return type is void.
  3. It do modify the instance - doesn’t have const attribute.

There are also few rules that applies on both accessor types:

  1. Accessor should be included.
  2. Accessor should be “public”.
  3. It should not be static.
  4. It should not be pure virtual.

Recognize property

This part of the algorithm is responsible to recognize the pair of “get” and “set” accessors, which constructs the property. Py++ does it by analyzing name and type of the accessors.

Py++ understands the following coding conventions:

  • lowercase_with_underscores
  • UpperCamel
  • lowCamel

It is also aware of few common prefixes for set\get accessors: get, is, has, set, <<empty prefix for get accessor>>.


You can use doc attribute to specify the property documentation. If you don’t, than Py++ will construct documentation, which will describe from what functions this property was built from.