boost libraries


What is Boost?

Boost is repository of free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.

Boost works on almost any modern operating system, including UNIX and Windows variants.


Boost libraries have good interface, documentation and unit tests. A lot of people contributed their knowledge and experience to those libraries. Ten Boost libraries are already included in the C++ Standards Committee’s Library Technical Report ( TR1 ) as a step toward becoming part of a future C++ Standard. More Boost libraries are proposed for the upcoming TR2.

I believe that Py++ is ready for hard work. It is quick, stable and flexible. Py++ is a new tool and in my opinion I should prove its usefulness. Using Py++, I exposed the following libraries to Python:

There are few reasons I choose to expose those libraries.

  1. I used those libraries at my work.
  2. All those libraries have:
  • good documentation
  • well-defined interfaces
  • clear concepts
  • comprehensive unit tests
  1. I think, that Python is missing functionality provided by Boost.Date_Time and Boost.Random libraries.

I spent different amount of time on each library. It took me one week, to expose the Boost.Date_Time library. I added few missing features to Py++, polished the existing ones. Most of the time I spent translating tests from C++ to Python. It took me 3 days to expose all other libraries.

pyboost package


Right now, pyboost package does not have documentation. In my opinion it is fairly simple to read original documentation and “translate” it to Python.


One picture worth thousands words.


  • C++ code:

  • Python code:

    import time
    from pyboost import boost_random
    rng = boost_random.mt19937( int( time.time() ) ) #setting initial seed
    six = boost_random.uniform_int(1,6)
    die = boost_random.variate_generator( rng, six )
    print die()


  • C++ code:

  • Python code:

    import os
    from pyboost import date_time
    from pyboost.date_time import gregorian
    from pyboost.date_time import posix_time
    from pyboost.date_time import local_time
    from pyboost.date_time import to_simple_string
    #Date programming
    weekstart =, date_time.Feb,1)
    print 'weekstart: ', to_simple_string( weekstart )
    weekend  = weekstart + gregorian.weeks(1)
    print 'weekend: ', to_simple_string( weekend )
    today = gregorian.day_clock.local_day()
    d2 = weekstart + gregorian.days(5)
    if d2 >= today: #comparison operator
    thisWeek = gregorian.date_period(today,d2)
    if thisWeek.contains(today):
    #date generator functions
    d5 = gregorian.next_weekday(today, date_time.Sunday); #calculate Sunday following d4
    print 'd5: ', to_simple_string( d5 )
    #US labor day is first Monday in Sept
    first = gregorian.nth_day_of_the_week_in_month.first
    labor_day = gregorian.nth_day_of_the_week_in_month(first, date_time.Monday, date_time.Sep)
    #calculate a specific date for 2004 from functor
    print 'labor day 2004: ', to_simple_string( labor_day.get_date(2004) )
    #Time programming:
    d =,date_time.Feb,1)#an arbitrary date
    t1 = posix_time.ptime(d, posix_time.hours(5) + posix_time.millisec(100)); #date + time of day offset
    print 't1: ', to_simple_string( t1 )
    t2 = t1 - posix_time.minutes(4) + posix_time.seconds(2)
    print 't2: ', to_simple_string( t2 )
    now = posix_time.second_clock.local_time(); #use the clock
    print 'now: ', to_simple_string( now )
    today = #Get the date part out of the time
    print 'today: ', to_simple_string( today )
    tomorrow = today + gregorian.date_duration(1)
    print 'tomorrow: ', to_simple_string( tomorrow )
    #Local time programming:
    #setup some timezones for creating and adjusting times
    #first time zone uses the time zone file for regional timezone definitions
    tz_db = local_time.time_zone_database()
    tz_db.load_from_file( os.path.join( date_time.__path__[0], "date_time_zonespec.csv") )
    nyc_tz = tz_db.time_zone_from_region("America/New_York")
    #This timezone uses a posix time zone string definition to create a time zone
    phx_tz = local_time.posix_time_zone("MST-07:00:00")
    #local departure time in phoenix is 11 pm on April 2 2005
    #Note that New York changes to daylight savings on Apr 3 at 2 am)
    phx_departure = local_time.local_date_time(, date_time.Apr, 2)
        , posix_time.hours(23)
        , phx_tz
        , local_time.local_date_time.NOT_DATE_TIME_ON_ERROR)
    flight_length = posix_time.hours(4) + posix_time.minutes(30)
    phx_arrival = phx_departure + flight_length
    #convert the phx time to a nyz time
    nyc_arrival = phx_arrival.local_time_in(nyc_tz, posix_time.time_duration() )
    print "New York arrival: ", nyc_arrival.to_string() #//2005-Apr-03 06:30:00 EDT


  • C++ code:

  • Python code:

    import unittest
    from pyboost import rational
    half = rational.rational( 1, 2 )
    one = rational.rational( 1 )
    two = rational.rational( 2 )
    #Some basic checks
    assert half.numerator() == 1
    assert half.denominator() == 2
    assert float(half) == 0.5
    assert half + half == one == 1
    assert one - half == half
    assert two * half == one == 1
    assert one / half == two == 2


  • C++ code:

  • Python code:

    import os
    import sys
    from pyboost import crc
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        if sys.argv:
            files = sys.argv
            files = [ sys.executable ]
            result = crc.crc_32_type()
            for file_name in files:
                ifs = file( file_name, 'rb' )
                for line in ifs:
                    result.process_bytes( line )
            print hex( result.checksum() ).upper()
        except Exception, error:
            sys.stderr.write( "Found an exception with'%s'%s" %( str( error ), os.linesep ) )
            sys.exit( 1 )